The end of 4 months...

So, it's hard to believe that in a couple days (April 28th) Ethan will be 5 months old!!! I thought we would get a few more photos on the blog while he was still 4 months.

Most of these photos were taken by our very talented friend and honorary Aunt, Heather!! It's hard to believe that last Friday we were hanging out on Heather's porch soaking up the sun...we are now back into a Winter wonderland :( Wishing the sun would come out and play :)

The Green family :)

Aunt Heather and the boyz!
(Jack and Ethan)

Jill and Jack

One day Ethan will be able to defend himself ;)

Ethan watching Jack intently and taking it all in...

Lounging with dad
(notice the cross-legged pose!)

Ethan's new high chair
(soon enough there will be food on that tray instead of toys!)

Ethan's newest favourite past-time, his Jolly Jumper!

Waterloo Visit

After getting his 4 month shots, Ethan and his mom took off to Waterloo for a visit. Unfortunately, these shots affected the little guy way more than his 2 month shots and we had a rough start to our visit followed by everyone (Mom, Ethan, Grandma McC and Aunt Sarah) but Grandpa McC getting
However, we made the best of it and still had lots of fun visiting with family and friends:)

Gran and Gramps McC
(apparently Ethan will decide one day whether it's Gran and Gramps or Grandma and Grandpa)

Aunt Sarah with Ethan

"Aunt" Christine (we've been friends since grade 2!)

Grandpa McC was the only one who avoided the plague and thus spent many hours hanging with his grandson
(which his mom appreciated immensely!)

Aunt Sarah loved taking Ethan for walks in the Baby Bjorn
(notice the matching hoodies...Aunt Sarah gave Ethan a Roots sweatshirt which he wears proudly!)

Ethan's first high chair experience
(previously used by Grandpa McC!)

Uncle Adam
The Green family made the trek out for a visit!

Grandma and Grandpa Green

Oh so cozy next to Aunt Sarah!

Uncle Philip with mom and Ethan

Month 5.....

Well, it's been a while since we've updated the is a smattering of pics from the last month. We celebrated a few milestones last week as Ethan turned 6 months old on Jay's birthday (May 28th), and Jay reached his 3rd decade!

Ethan's first taste of food (well if you can call rice cereal real food:))
Yesterday we gave him peas and it didn't go quite so well.....he's decided he has a gag reflex and puked everything up! Same thing happened today so we're moving onto carrots.

Ethan's first tooth poked through on his right side followed the very next day by his second tooth. This is the first pic we could capture of them! They are significantly bigger now:)

Glamor Shots anyone?

The following four shots capture Ethan's first bike ride in the Chariot! Once we figured out how to support his head (the helmet is a little big), Ethan was enjoying the ride enough to fall alseep for the last 5 k.

So, I tried to surprise Jay for his birthday two weekend's before his actual birthday. The surprise part didn't go so well as there were several attempts at giving it away. But in the end we went to Innisfail with some friends for a low-key hang out weekend. The following are some cute pics of Ethan from that weekend.

Happy boy!

What Ethan would look like with hair!
(Thanks Carmen!)

Ethan mesmerized by Matt's awesome guitar skills!

Ethan decided that 5:45 am is a good time to wake up....Dad didn't agree!

Swimming video - the dunk!

So...we decided to be brave and see how Ethan did dunking his head under water...we realized that he would hold his breath but didn't know that he would kick his legs like an expert little swimmer (he kicks so hard it makes his head shake back and forth)! Sorry about the quality...not sure what happened when I converted the video...