More Maui pics

So, Ethan got a fever for a few days in Maui and basically just crashed wherever we went...

Here's Ethan looking for surfers and chillin' on our patio...

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Fun in the sun!

So we just recently returned from a glorious 9 day trip to Maui!! We needed to escape the frigid Calgary winter so we booked some cheap flights and headed to Maui with another couple (Mark & Sarah Bromley) and their 6-month old (Madi). We had some awesome sun, a few partly cloudy days, and the temperature was perfect for Ethan. Ethan was initially a bit afraid of the sand, but warmed up to it. The whales were migrating past Maui while we were there, so we saw tons of whales off the beach right outside of our condo! Too bad we had to come back!

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